March 19, 2021—

Reviewing family trusts as part of your estate plan

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Discretionary family trusts are a popular investment structure in which a trustee holds assets in a trust for a group of beneficiaries, usually for family…
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February 25, 2021—

Family provision applications – will I end up in Court?

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
If you have been excluded from someone’s Will, you may be eligible to make an application to the Court for a portion, or a larger…
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January 27, 2021—

Make estate planning part of your new year resolution

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
This past holiday season, you may have had the opportunity to catch up and spend some time together with family, friends and loved ones. As…
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December 15, 2020—

Enduring Power of Attorney & Advance Health Directive forms – what’s new?

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Changes to Queensland’s guardianship laws took effect on 30 November 2020. As part of those changes, new Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) and Advance Health Directive…
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November 5, 2020—

4 myths when it comes to your superannuation

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Considering your superannuation is an important undertaking when looking at your estate planning. To avoid unintended consequences, it is crucial that you understand how your…
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September 28, 2020—

Blended families – Questions you should be asking

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
We regularly deal with clients whose life stories include divorce, separation and children from previous relationships. Estate planning for blended families can often pose significant…
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September 7, 2020—

Administering an estate during the COVID-19 pandemic

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
The death of a loved can be hard for everyone involved and the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may add additional stress through this difficult time. There…
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July 9, 2020—

Does marriage, divorce or separation affect my Will?

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Whether it is the start of a relationship or the end, it is important to understand the effect marriage, divorce or separation can have on…
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June 15, 2020—

7 common mistakes made by executors

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
An executor is a person who has been appointed in a Will to administer the will-maker’s estate and carry out the Will-maker’s wishes. They are…
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April 23, 2020—

Risks with home-made Wills and Will kits

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Many people think that making a Will is a simple exercise and that it is something that you can do for yourself. With the availability…
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March 4, 2020—

I want to see a deceased’s Will – can I request a copy?

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Many people think that when someone dies there will be a formal “reading of the Will.” However, this is really a concept of the past. There…
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January 22, 2020—

Do I always need a grant of probate to administer a deceased’s estate?

Written by: Duncan MacDougall
Obtaining a grant of probate from the Supreme Court is one of the main tasks that an executor of an estate may have to undertake.…
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